Image data conversion would also be described as 'transcribing' by some. If you have a manga, novel, or images of any other sort with text, I can type out the Japanese for you.

Why do this? Many people use programs to read image data and automatically translate it. We all know how bad machine translations can be, but the image data conversion has the same problem. Not only do these programs often have difficulty with translating, but they're also trying to translate from text riddled with errors.

Having a file with the correct text gives people a solution between the free options, which are often mangled, and the expensive option of having the entire document translated.

Here is an example of the difference it would make:

The machine data conversion: 「ぁぁ、 だから噂だって! 気ーこするーまどのもんじゃねーよ」
Machine translations:
Excite: "So AA is rumor! Intention isn't anything of RUMADO to come."
Bing: "AA, so rumor?! Care-rub-Madoka's monja... " 'Aa, so rumor Even! Ne Ja mon of keycode through the window.'
"AA, so rumor?! Care-rub-Madoka's monja... "
Weblio: "ぁぁ, therefore even a rumor!mind ー こするーまどのものではないよ"

The actual text: 「ああ、だから噂だって! 気にするほどのもんじゃねーよ」
Machine translations:
Excite: "So yes is rumor! It isn't the one which is to the extent I worry about it."
Bing: "Oh, it's so rumors! Much to worry about something... " 'Oh, so Even rumor! Ne Ja mon enough to worry about.'
"Oh, it's so rumors! Much to worry about something... "
Weblio: "It is like that and seems to be だから rumor"! It is not a thing as I mind it

The machine data conversion: 「そう隠される と、 逆に気ーこなっ てしまうものですょ」
Machine translations:
Excite: "That it's hidden so, by something to put back in intention powder conversely, SUYO"
Bing: "To be so hidden and vice versa like-going was gone they is!" 'Once it is hidden so, contrary to key Kona' to cause those Desuyo'
"To be so hidden and vice versa like-going was gone they is!"
Weblio: "ー こなってしまうものですょ to be going adversely when it is covered so"

The actual text: 「そう隠されると、逆に気になってしまうものですよ」
Machine translations:
Excite: "When it's hidden, I'm so interested conversely."
Bing: It becomes a mind to be so hidden and vice versa. " 'Once hidden so, it is what would in the mood to reverse'
It becomes a mind to be so hidden and vice versa. "
Weblio: When it "is covered so, it is a thing worried about adversely"

Machine translations still aren't perfect, but they are much more intelligible when given proper text to work with. Having a machine do an imperfect data converstion and then do an imperfect translation will often end with gibberish. Although stilted, the Excite machine translation actually gives a fairly good interpretation of this conversation when using the correct text.

"So yes is rumor! It isn't the one which is to the extent I worry about it."
"When it's hidden, I'm so interested conversely."

Re-written in a way that people would speak:

"Oh, the rumors! Don't worry about them."
"When you hide something, it makes me more interested."

Translation discount: Anyone who has an image data conversion done by me and decides later to have it translated will have $.02 per character deducted from the price of the translation. I won't do this for data conversion done elsewhere because I have been sent such files before and had to fix errors in them. In one case I was sent only the converted text and had to ask for the original file, because even without anything for comparison I could tell it was wrong.