Might gripped the handle of the sword again.

Around him his companions were wounded and fallen. Lorence, Hector, Leica, Kurt... They were unconscious, and didn't make any moves. Smeared with blood, their figures looked pale. If he didn't save all of them right away, they wouldn't survive.


I can't do it... I still can't do it, Adonis...

Might cried as he vomited blood. He slowly lowered the point of the sword.

At the same time, Adonis'-- What was Adonis' expression changed.

Kukuku... How sweet, sweet! That was your last chance. You're a foolish child to waste it. Ragsiel miscalculated in his search!

Hardius was liberated from Adonis' will, and a wicked smile rose on that graceful, beautiful face.

The tentacles began winding and wriggling again, and in a moment Might's entire body was entwined.


As it dripped mucus, muscles that weren't of this world strangled Might by his neck.

Kukukuku... I won't kill you so simply... I'm going to make you suffer, suffer, suffer. You'll receive the fate of your parents who sealed me...!

But, even so Might didn't yield.

...A.... Adonis... answer... me...

He glared at Hardius as he frantically tried to pull off the tentacles.

(I won't be defeated... By someone like him... I haven't lost...!

A sneer rose on Hardius' face, but his expression changed a little.

Hun... Don't you have nice eyes. ...It suits you, when your eyes are brazen like that.

The tentacles that strangled Might loosened their power.

Guh... geho, geho...

Finally able to breath, Might coughed violently. But, his limbs still weren't untied.

How about it... Will you obey me?

Wh... what...?

Together, we can rule the world. Kill the gods, and destroy the humans -- we'll build an immortal empire. An empire of "demons". It's fine if we both rule. I can place you by my side. -You'll have my power.

Th, that...

Might stared at him dumbfounded. Hardius' form had a wicked smile. Adonis' face-.

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